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Center for Teaching Excellence

  • CTE Go-To-Hub Graphic

Meet Our Partners

The vision for the Center for Teaching Excellence is to be the go-to hub that drives transformational educational experiences and fosters an institutional learning culture across the University of South Carolina.

To that end we provide:

  • An avenue for campus partner contributions to general University professional development 
  • Integrative cross-campus opportunities
  • Partnerships and positive impact on faculty and graduate student teaching
  • Direct, need-based partnerships with departments

CTE University Partners including Instructional Support Partners, Division of Information Technology, eLearning Services, Office of Distributed Learning, University Libraries, Collaborative Programming Partners including Career Center, Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning, Community Engagement and Service Learning, Continuing Education and Conferences, English Programs for Internationals, First-Generation Center, Global Carolina, International Student and Scholar Support, Leadership and Service Center, Office of Multicultural Student Affairs, Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity, Student Disability Resource Center, Student Health and Well-Being, Student Success Center, TRIO Programs, Veteran Services, and Institutional Support Services including  Academic Departments, Colleges and Schools, Division of Human Resources, Faculty Senate, Graduate and Retention Network, Graduate School, Individual Faculty, GTAs, and Staff,  Law Enforcement and Safety, Office of Academic Program Planning and Decision Support, Office of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Analytics, Provost Advisory Committee on Women’s Issues, Schools of Medicine, and USC Campus Systems

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
