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Education Abroad Office

  • Man with a hat poses in front of a lake

Veterans and Military-Affiliated Students

With the expansion of veterans benefits under the Post-9/11 GI Bill, UofSC is pleased to welcome an increasing number of veterans and military-affiliated students to campus. Likewise, the Education Abroad Office is seeing a record number of students who wish to use their veteran’s benefits towards a study abroad program. This is a fantastic way to participate in further global experiences, complementing your international experiences gained through the military.

Questions to consider with an Advisor/by yourself:
  • How is the military viewed in my host country?
  • What unique perspectives can I contribute towards my study abroad experience? What do I hope to gain from my study abroad experience?
  • What military/family/school obligations at home do I need to consider when planning?
  • Can I apply my veteran’s benefits to my study abroad program?
  • Have I met with both Veterans and Military Services and the Education Abroad Office?
  • Are there similar local VA organizations or clubs in the area I am traveling to where I could meet others?
Veteran's Benefits and Education Abroad:
  • Global Exchange Program: with this type of program, you will be paying tuition directly to UofSC at the in-state rate but will be taking classes at a foreign institution; because of this, UofSC is seen as a third-party provider and therefore are likely not VA-benefit eligible
  • Global Classroom Program / Global UofSC Program: with these types of programs, tuition comes directly to UofSC and courses are taught by UofSC faculty (thereby being UofSC "owned"); further, these short-term programs are often more feasible for students who have military/family obligations at home and can’t be gone for longer periods of time
  • Global Direct Program: participants pay tuition directly to the host institution; for this reason, you will need to ensure that there is a School Certifying Official (SCO) at your host institution who will agree to certify your benefits; you can verify this through the Education Abroad Office or by visiting WEAMS
  • Global Partner Program: sometimes called a “third-party provider,” SCOs are often less likely to certify benefits for these programs because you would be paying your tuition and fees to a third party; if you were interested in a Global Partner Program, plan to meet with the Education Abroad Office to discuss the process
  • VA Post-9/11 GI Bill: Study Abroad Program: Official information from the Veterans Benefits Administration on how the Post-9/11 GI Bill may apply to study abroad program fees and tuition. Use this as a resource as you work with the UofSC School Certifying Officials to certify your benefits for your study abroad program.
  • The Last Continent: Follow UofSC student Brooks Herring, a Navy veteran, as he describes, in mesmerizing and honest detail, his experience abroad in Australia.
  • From Soldier to Student: Kaylee Tindle, an Army veteran, studies in Morocco with ISA (a UofSC-approved Global Partner Program). In this brief letter, she reflects on her reasons for wanting to study abroad.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
