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Office of the Provost

Honors Block Questions

1. I was satisfied with the Honors experience I received in the course.

Strongly Disagree             Disagree                  Neutral                 Agree              Strongly Agree


2. This course was designed with Honors students in mind.

Strongly Disagree             Disagree                  Neutral                 Agree              Strongly Agree


3. I would recommend this Honors course to other Honors students.

Strongly Disagree             Disagree                  Neutral                 Agree              Strongly Agree


4. I would recommend this instructor to teach future Honors classes.

Strongly Disagree             Disagree                  Neutral                 Agree              Strongly Agree


5. Compared to other Honors courses you have taken, how difficult was this Honors course?

Very difficult                Difficult            Neutral            Easy                Very Easy


6. What specific suggestions do you have to improve the Honors experience in this course?

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
