Core Questions
(NOTE: Instructor questions will be repeated for each instructor for team taught courses.)
1. The course materials were organized and easy to access for this course.
Hardly Ever Occasionally Sometimes Frequently Almost Always
2. The instructional methods and materials were engaging.
Hardly Ever Occasionally Sometimes Frequently Almost Always
3. The course learning activities increased my knowledge and skills in the subject matter (course learning outcomes).
Hardly Ever Occasionally Sometimes Frequently Almost Always
4. The significance and relevance of the course topic(s) were made clear.
Hardly Ever Occasionally Sometimes Frequently Almost Always
5. How many hours per week did you dedicate to this course, both inside and outside of class meetings?
<3 hours 4-6 hours 7-10 hours 11-14 hours >15 hours
6. I rate this overall course as:
Inadequate Poor Fair Good Excellent
7. The instructor created a safe and inclusive learning environment for students.
Hardly Ever Occasionally Sometimes Frequently Almost Always
8. The instructor was responsive to my questions and concerns.
Hardly Ever Occasionally Sometimes Frequently Almost Always
9. I rate the overall performance of my instructor as:
Inadequate Poor Fair Good Excellent
10. What specific suggestions do you have to improve learning in this course? (Open text/ qualitative comment area)