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Student Affairs and Academic Support

  • dean of students talking with two students

Office of the Dean of Students

Guided by the tenets of the Carolinian Creed, the Office of the Dean of Students supports student access to services that facilitate student success, personal development, degree completion and crisis management. Staff members also support the dean in his role as deputy Title IX director by assisting in policy development and compliance, case management and support services.


Get Help With Your Concern

The Office of the Dean of Students is here for you, but there are also a number of other ways to request help. We've collected a list of reporting forms and contacts to help you connect with the right resources.

Unfair or unequal treatment of an individual of group on the basis of categories protected by law.

Report discrimination.

Office of Civil Rights and Title IX
Phone: 803-777-3854

Suicidal ideation, self-injury, disordered eating, emotional distress or other other unusual behavior.

Refer a student.

Student Care and Outreach
Phone: 803-777-4333

Free and open dialogue is a key ingredient to arriving at universal truths and common understanding.

Learn more.

Contact: For assistance before, during and after free-speech events, email the Safely Engaging in Expression Delegates (

Withdrawal from the university due to a mental health, medical or personal crisis that prevented academic success during a past semester or the Withdrawal Fail (WF) period of a current semester.

Submit a petition.

Office of the Dean of Students
Phone: 803-576-7760

Degrading or unsafe activities involving members belonging to a group.

Report hazing.

Office of Student Contact and Academic Integrity
Phone: 803-777-4333

Sexual assault, dating or relationship violence or stalking.

Make a report.

Equal Opportunity Programs
Phone: 803-777-3854

Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention & Prevention
Phone: 803-777-8248

Excused absences and complex issues or concerns that don't fit clearly into one category.

Fill out the form.

Office of Student Advocacy
Phone: 803-777-4872


Donuts with the Dean of Students

Donuts with the Dean of Students are an informal way to connect with the Office of the Dean of Students.  Stop by our table in the Russell House University Union for a chat and snack with the DoS staff or just grab a free donut.  We want to hear your voice as your Gamecock experience is important to us.  Donuts with the Dean of Students typically occurs on the first Wednesday over every month.


Our Offices and Initiatives

Upholds the student code of conduct by addressing and adjudicating students' alleged violations through a restorative and educational process.
Phone: 803-777-4333

Works to help keep campus safe when students display behavior that could cause harm to themselves or others.

Phone: 803-777-4193


Supports students with learning, physical, health or psychiatric disabilities in managing the varying demands of the university experience.
Phone: 803-777-6142

Support students who need to take time away from school or need to retroactively withdraw due to a hardship.
Phone: 803-576-7760

Carolina Cares Fund

Funded solely by donors, the Carolina Cares Fund is available to currently enrolled students for verifiable emergency expenses that are defined as unexpected, unforeseen, unavoidable and urgent in nature. The fund is not intended to be used for routine expenses or as a consistent supplement to a student’s education funding sources. Typically, the maximum award is $2,000.

Dean's Advisory Council

Students on the Dean's Advisory Council represent the concerns and interests of the diverse undergraduate student body and provide suggestions for the development of the Office of the Dean of Students, as well as the university as a whole.


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
