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The University of South Carolina Sumter awards scholarships to freshmen, continuing, transfer, and part-time students based on their academic potential and achievement. All students receiving scholarships must be accepted for admission as degree seeking students.


To apply for a scholarship, you can download an application [PDF] or obtain one from the USC Sumter Office of Financial Aid, Scholarships, and Veterans Affairs. 


Available Scholarships

Read the descriptions carefully. Some scholarships have requirements that students must meet to apply. 

Scholarship Description Keywords
(hidden column)
Albert L. & Nina O. Carpenter Memorial Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
Alice Fernandes Memorial Scholarship

Awarded to students who have demonstrated both academic proficience and a need for financial assistance, and who wish to pursue a degree in Science.  If there is not a Science student to award, the scholarship committee may choose another eligible recipient.

Arthur S. Bahnmuller Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
Bank of America, N. A. Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
BB&T Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
Carol Hallgren Scholarship Fund No requirements to apply. no requirement
Carolyn T. Edwards Memorial Endowed Scholarship No requirements to apply.  
C. Leslie Carpenter Deans Endowed Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
Dan and Dotty Lyles Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
Danny R. Geddings Memorial Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
Dr. John J. Duffy Memorial Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
Dr. Robert C. and Harriette Health Wimberly Endowed Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
Duke Energy Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
G. Werber Bryan Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
Jack C. Anderson Jr. Deans Endowed Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
John M. Brabham, Sr. Memorial/Black River Electric Cooperative Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
Judith L. Croskey Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
Julie Abney Bailey Endowed Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
Karen Sonya Harris-Sweetman & Mark D. Sweetman Business Endowed Scholarship Must be awarded to a student with financial need & majoring in business  
Kiwanis Club of Sumter Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
Linda Ann Epperhart Lawrence Memorial Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
Major General Thomas Olsen Scholarship Must be awarded to one or more eligible students who are active or retired military. no requirement
Marcel & Dorie van Bulck Memorial Endowed Scholarship Must be awarded to a Business Administration Major who is a first-generation college student.  If no such student is available, it should be awarded to a student majoring in Business Administration who is not a first-generation college student.  
Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Covington Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
NBSC-Lucile McKiever Memorial Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
O. D. Harvin Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
Ramon Schwartz Memorial Scholarship Awarded to students who have demonstrated both academic proficience and a need for financial assistance, and who wish to pursue a degree in Political Science.  If there is not a Political Science student to award, the scholarship committee may choose another eligible recipient.  
Roger Dale Bullard Memorial Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
Rosa W. Schwartz Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
Rotary Club of Sumter Palmetto Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
SAFE Federal Credit Union Bicentennial Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
Samuel M. Willis Founding Director's Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
Sara Davis McLendon Memorial Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
Sumter Industrial Association Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
USC Sumter Alumni Association “Big Wednesday” Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
Wilson MacEwen & Company Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
Wells Fargo Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
USC Sumter Teacher of the Year Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
USC Sumter Alumni Association Scholarship No requirements to apply. no requirement
Access & Equity Scholarship Grant determines restrictions. Please contact the Office of Financial Aid, Scholarships and Veterans Affairs for more information.  
Alivia Burrows Davids Scholarship Must be awarded to a nontraditional student majoring in secondary education in mathematics; in no eligible applicant, then awarded to a secondary education major, or a mathematics or physical education major.  
Anne Bailey Geddings Scholarship Must be awarded to a first-generation college student.  
A.T. and Jessie T. Sublette Memorial Scholarship Must be awarded to a student majoring in nursing, premedicine or other health-related fields.  
BD Scholarship Must be awarded to a student enrolled in the 2+2 Engineering Program.  
Bishoff Scholarship First preference to a student who intends to major in either Biology or Nursing.  
Brian K. Costello Endowed Scholarship The scholarship will be awarded to a student who conveys a career interest in either medicine or physical therapy and intends to pursue a related preparatory educational path. The student must maintain a 3.75 GPA. If no such student can be identified, the Committee may recommend a student of high academic achievement pursuing a Science, Technology, Engineering or Math (STEM) educational path.  
Carolina Coca-Cola Bottling Company Scholarship Must be awarded to a student majoring in education.  
Christopher Laird Floyd Endowed Scholarship Must be awarded to one or more eligible underrepresented students to support educational diversity consistent with its mission and admissions policy. It is the donors’ desire that the scholarships be awarded in furtherance of the diversity mission and to enhance the multi-cultural diversity of student population. If no such student meets the criteria, the award may be presented to any eligible student.  
Clifton C. Goodwin, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Must be awarded to a Sumter County resident who has submitted an application for financial assistance.  
Coach Melvin L. McCormick and Janice B. McCormick Scholarship Must be awarded to a graduate from Thomas Sumter Academy in Dalzell, SC. If no such student meets this criteria, the award may be presented to any eligible student.  
C. Talmadge Tobias, Jr. and Linda H. Tobias Scholarship Must be awarded to a student majoring in Business Administration with preference to a first-generation college student.  
David L. Evans and S. Anne Walker Scholarship The scholarship will be awarded to a student majoring in education. If no eligible student meets this criteria, the award may be presented to any eligible student.  
Ditty Poston Alumni Endowed Scholarship Must be awarded to a student who is the first in his/her family to attend college or is a non-traditional student and demonstrates significant financial need. Students who qualify for merit-based aid or not can be considered along with other factors to be considered in making the award are volunteer work, contributions made by the candidate to the Sumter community, and other attributes (e.g., motivation, perseverance, resilience, work ethic). If no such student can be found, then award to any deserving student.  
Dr. Dinford G. Maness Memorial Endowed Scholarship Must be awarded to a student majoring in a program under the Division of Arts and Letters and if none is available, then to any eligible student.  
Dr. Jean-Luc E. Grosso Endowed Memorial Scholarship Must be awarded to a student who has declared Business as their major.  
Dr. Lea B. Givens Memorial Endowed Scholarship Must be awarded to a graduate of Sumter High School, Sumter, SC who is majoring in biology. If no such student meets the criteria, the award may be presented to any eligible student.  
Dr. Michael S. Becker Memorial Endowed Scholarship Must be awarded to a student majoring in Business Administration with preference to a first-generation college student.  
Dorothy K. Olsen Memorial Scholarship Must be awarded to a Sumter County resident.  
E. Lee Craig Education Scholarship The scholarship will be awarded to a student majoring in English Education or a student majoring in education or pre-education who exhibits academic merit. If no such student meets these criteria, the award may be presented to any worthy student.  
Frank and Eleida Burrows Scholarship Must be awarded to a student majoring in nursing.  
Edward H. and Eola G. Fienning Endowed Scholarship Must be awarded to a Sumter County resident who has submitted an application for financial assistance.  
Ervin H. "Bud" Hickman, Jr., Memorial Endowed Scholarship Must be awarded to a student who demonstrated financial need with preference to a resident of Sumter County.  
Ethel Burnett Memorial Scholarship Must be awarded to a student who is majoring in education and  is a resident of Sumter County.  
E. Whilden Nettles, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Must be a Sumter County Resident.  
Ezra Pierson McLeod Endowed Scholarship Must be awarded to a Sumter County resident. If there is no eligible applicant, then award to any deserving student.  
Farmers Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Scholarship Must be awarded to a student living in the FTC service area of Clarendon, lower Florence, Lee, Sumter, and Williamsburg counties whose parents or guardians are members of the Farmers Telephone Cooperative.  
Fred A. “Larry” Lawrence Memorial Scholarship First preference is given to a part-time student.  
Helen O. Freeman Scholarship Endowment Must be awarded to a Business Administration Major who is a first-generation college student. If no applicant is available then award to a student majoring in Business Administration.  
Hendrikus E.M.J.L. van Bulck Endowed Scholarship Must be awarded to a Business Administration Major who is a first-generation college student. If no such student is available, then award to a student majoring in Business Administration.  
Henry D. Barnett Memorial Scholarship Must be awarded to a Sumter County resident who has dyslexia or a sight or learning disability; if no eligible applicant, then awarded to a Sumter County resident.  
Hubert Graham Osteen Scholarship Must be awarded to a graduate of a Clarendon, Lee, or Sumter county high school majoring in journalism or to a student majoring in English, history, or computer science.  
I. Harby Moses Scholarship The scholarship will be awarded to a graduate of Wilson Hall School. If no eligible applicant, award to any student attending the University of South Carolina Sumter.  
J. B. and Elizabeth Hilton Endowed Scholarship Must be awarded to a resident of Sumter County, South Carolina who is majoring in Education.  
Jane McKenzie Beebe Scholarship Endowment The scholarship will be awarded to a student majoring in Education or pre-Education who exhibits academic merit. If no such student meets these criteria, the award may be presented to any worthy student.  
Janette Barnes Guiler Memorial Scholarship Must be awarded to a student majoring in nursing.  
Joe Singleton Company, Inc. Scholarship Must be awarded to a freshman who is a Sumter County resident.  
Joseph Shepard and Janet Brunson Sublette Endowed Scholarship Must be awarded to a student who intends to pursue a bachelor’s degree in either engineering or business and finance, demonstrating significant financial need and academic merit, but who does not qualify for high achieving merit-based aid.  
Joyce Holloman Hodge and Family Endowed Scholarship Must be awarded to one or more students who are first generation students.  
Karen Sonya Harris Sweetman and Mark D. Sweetman Endowed Scholarship Must be awarded to a student majoring in Education.  
Louise L. and John M. Brabham Sr., Scholarship The scholarship will be awarded to any student who is a Sumter Countyresident and who exhibits academic merit attending the University of South Carolina Sumter.  
Madge G. and Raymon Schwartz Memorial Scholarship Must be awarded to a Sumter County resident.  
Mary N. & Douglas R. Plowden Clemson at Sumter Heritage Scholarship The scholarship will be awarded to a worthy student who intends to transfer to Clemson University. If no such student meets the criteria, the award may be presented to any worthy student.  
Mid Carolina Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa International Must be awarded to a graduate from a public high school in Clarendon, Kershaw, Lee, Sumter or Williamsburg County who plans to major in education.  
Mr. & Mrs. Laurens W. Floyd, Jr. Clemson at Sumter Heritage Scholarship First preference to a student who indicates that he/she plans to transfer to Clemson University.  
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Graham Scholarship Must be awarded to a student majoring in nursing, preferably to a student pursuing a bachelor’s degree.  
Naomi Warner Business Endowed Scholarship Must be awarded to an eligible student who is majoring in business.  
Pauline Osborne Endowed Scholarship Must be awarded to a student who must demonstrate financial need by completing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).  
Porter H. Adams, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Must be awarded to a student in any discipline who is a U.S. citizen, with preference given to S.C. residents.  
Ralph G. Macdonald Chemistry Scholarship The scholarship will be awarded to a student majoring in Chemistry. If no eligible applicant, then award to any eligible student enrolled in Chemistry Classes.  
Robert C. Costello and Elizabeth D. Costello Endowed Scholarship Must be awarded to a student whose intended major is Chemistry, Biochemistry or Mathematics and who either has recently demonstrated academic excellence or who is a non-traditional student who shows a strong promise of academic excellence.  
Ross S. McKenzie Scholarship Must be awarded to a student who desires a liberal arts education balanced with courses in science and business.  
Rotary Club of Sumter Scholarship Must be awarded to a full-time student and all coursework must be taken at the USC Sumter or Shaw campus.  
Rotary Club of Sumter Sunrise Scholarship Must be awarded to a student who is very active in the community, with an emphasis on volunteering; otherwise, to any eligible applicant.  
Sonntag Family Endowed Scholarship Must be awarded to a student who is the first in his/her family to attend college or is a non-traditional student (age 25+); must demonstrate significant financial need; and does not qualify for merit-based aid but demonstrates attributes (e.g., motivation, perseverance, resilience, work ethic) that will allow him/her to be successful at USC Sumter. If no such student can be found, the Committee may recommend any deserving student.  
Sumter County Gamecock Club Endowed Scholarship Must be a Sumter County resident and participates on USC Sumter athletic teams.  
Sumter County Unit of the South Carolina Education Association - Retired Must be awarded to a rising senior whose career goal is to teach.  
Sumter Utilities and USC Sumter Shaw AFB Scholarship Must be awarded to students at Shaw AFB who are enrolled at USC Sumter and Palmetto College. This scholarship covers active military, reservists, veterans, national guard and their families.  
Swamp Fox Chapter Air Force Association Scholarship Must be awarded to an active-duty member or veteran of the U.S. Air Force or to a legal dependent of such a person.  
The Laura W. Hutchens and Oliver F. Hutchens Memorial The scholarship will be awarded to students who have demonstrated both academic proficiency and a need for financial assistance.  
USC Sumter Commencement Speaker Scholarship Must be awarded to a USC Sumter student; if recipient changes campuses after receipt, they become ineligible; amount is in-state, full-time tuition at USC Sumter.  
USC Sumter Division of Business Administration and Economics Scholarship Must be awarded to a student majoring in business who exhibits academic merit.  
USC Sumter Emerging Scholars Endowed Scholarship Must be awarded to a student demonstrating sufficient academic qualifications and pursuing a major in all areas offered at USC Sumter with the exception of Business.  If an acceptable candidate is not identified in any given year, the spendable portion of the account will carry over to the next award cycle.  
USC Sumter Partnership Part-Time Scholarship Must be awarded to students enrolled in at least six credit hours and no more than 11 credit hours.  
William and Julia Reynolds Memorial Scholarship Must be awarded to a student seeking a nursing degree.  
William and Martha DuBose Scholarship First preference is given to a student majoring in English or journalism.  
Williams-Brice-Edwards Scholarship Must be awarded to a Sumter County resident.  

