“Cultural Carolina” – Sixth Annual Graduate Student Conference
Languages, Literatures and Cultures Graduate Student Association (LLCGSA)
Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
University of South Carolina
Otherwise Human
“VIOLENCE” (February 2nd-3rd, 2024)
Call for Papers [pdf] – Deadline: November 5, 2023
- Linguistics violence
- Femicide, violence against women
- Protest Movements, violent activism or violence against activism
- Violence through “Culture Wars”
- Psychological violence
- Colonial and imperial violence
- Violence against Queer communities
- Structural violence
- Representation of violence in the media landscape
- Racial violence
- Environmental violence
- Cultural violence, appropriation, notions of property and theft
- Economic and class violence
If you would like to participate in the conference, please fill out the following Google Form Submission form , where you will be able to paste your 250-word abstract (as a PDF or Word document attached) by November 5, 2023. For panels, please submit a 250-word abstract for the panel and an abstract for each paper in the panel. Papers will be accepted in English only.