Letter from the Director >>
The MFA community at USC is inviting and dynamic, a good place for a writer or poet
to evolve, experiment, learn, compose, and live.
Program Faculty >>
Our MFA faculty have been awarded the National Book Award, the Pen Open Book Award,
and the Iowa Poetry Prize among other honors.
Alumni & Current Students >>
Updates on publications, fellowships, and other accomplishments from our alumni and
current students.
Application Process >>
Here are the details of our admission criteria, application process, and funding.
Applications are due by January 15.
Degree Requirements >>
The MFA is a three-year, 45-hour program, culminating in a book-length creative thesis.
Split P >>
Our signature creative writing outreach program sends MFA students to local public
schools to teach poetry and fiction to kids.
Cola Literary Review >>
Cola Literary Review is our MFA-run annual, print journal.
Writers’ Series >>
Hear acclaimed authors read their work in person at The Open Book, the Fall Literary
Festival, and other series. Visiting writers give master classes exclusive to our
MFA students.
FAQ >>
Answers to commonly asked questions about the application process.