About the Program
This initiative is intended to provide a full-time professional, tenure-track or tenured faculty member in the College of Arts & Sciences at the Columbia campus with funding to purchase a single piece of equipment (whose cost is greater than $5,000) that is vital to their research; priority will be given to research in the sciences. Faculty are eligible to receive one grant every two years.
Applicants may request up to $20,000 to purchase equipment, inclusive of any maintenance agreement. Computers and laptops are not considered small equipment in this initiative and will not be covered.
Application Information
The application process is as follows.
All files should use 12-point font size and 1-inch margins and be submitted in 8.5" x 11" PDF format unless otherwise noted in the instructions.
- Each applicant must submit a current vita (4-page maximum), a brief proposal (2-page maximum) along with a one-page budget justification that specifies the equipment to be purchased, costs and how it will benefit the applicant’s research.
- Applicants must disclose current startup, research commitments, and retention funds.
- If matching funds are being provided by the applicant’s department, a letter from the department chair that specifies the amount of the match should accompany the application.
- Applicants need to provide documentation that no additional facilities’ costs, including electrical modifications or other safety issues, will be incurred.
- Applications must also identify all current and pending support (including startup and retention funds), along with an explanation of how requested funds are needed/different from current and pending funding. Potential overlapping funding will be taken into consideration when reviewing applications.
- Applicants are strongly encouraged to identify potential future extramural support opportunities arising from this award’s support.
Each award recipient must submit a one-page summary of accomplishments or achievements to the dean’s office within 30 days of completion of research, travel, or equipment purchase.
The summary must be submitted using the online report form and file name format: “summary_ [name of initiative]_[last name of faculty member]”.
Please contact Claudia Benitez-Nelson (BENITEZN@mailbox.sc.edu) if you need help troubleshooting this form.