Team Results
Each teams' overall score is the sum of the average of the top three individual member's scores on the written test and the teams' score in the Team Round.
The top three teams in each division were:
Division | Place | School | Written Avg | Team Round | Overall |
1 | 1 | Spring Valley | 101.67 | 90.00 | 191.67 |
2 | Hammond | 86.33 | 80.00 | 166.33 | |
3 | DW Daniel | 76.33 | 80.00 | 156.33 | |
2 | 1 | Dutch Fork | 83.33 | 90.00 | 173.33 |
2 | Ben Lippen | 76.33 | 80.00 | 156.33 | |
3 | Riverside | 63.67 | 70.00 | 133.67 | |
3 | 1 | Williston Elko | 46.00 | 10.00 | 56.00 |
2 | Bishop England | 35.00 | 20.00 | 55.00 | |
3 | Covenant Christian | 46.67 | 0.00 | 46.67 |
Individual Results
The top 16 scores from the Written Test:
Rank | Name | School | Score | Tiebreaker |
1 | Tobi Ogunfowora | Hammond School | 115 | 16.14634146 |
2 | Kazuho Uruji | Ben Lippen | 110 | 16.36585366 |
3 | Wesley Fletcher | Spring Valley High School | 106 | 14.40650407 |
4 | Siddharth Gianey | Spring Valley High School | 106 | 14.21951220 |
5 | Jennifer Gao | DW Daniel High School | 100 | 13.65040650 |
6 | Janette Park | Dutch Fork High School | 95 | 11.81300813 |
7 | Zachary Huang | Spring Valley High School | 93 | 11.58536585 |
8 | Angela Mei | Academic Magnet High School | 92 | 10.68292683 |
9 | Sparsho De | Spring Valley High School | 86 | 10.23577236 |
10 | Christopher Li | Spring Valley High School | 86 | 10.09756098 |
11 | David Liu | Dutch Fork High School | 85 | 10.13821138 |
12 | Jacob Rawson | Lexington High School | 81 | 8.951219512 |
13 | John Li | Hammond School | 73 | 7.869918699 |
14 | Theophilus Pedapolu | Governor’s School | 71 | 8.373983740 |
15 | Elsa Saine | Hammond School | 71 | 7.219512195 |
16 | Eric Park | Dutch Fork High School | 70 | 8.861788618 |
These 16 students went on to the elimination tournament to see who would be first (and second) to answer three questions correctly.
In the Elimination tournament, it took only four questions. Three students each scored their third correct answer on that fourth question.
Tally | Student | School |
3 | Sparsho De | Spring Valley High School |
Wesley Fletcher | Spring Valley High School | |
Eric Park | Dutch Fork High School | |
2 | Jennifer Gao | DW Daniel High School |
Siddharth Gianey | Spring Valley High School | |
Zachary Huang | Spring Valley High School | |
Christopher Li | Spring Valley High School | |
John Li | Hammond School | |
Angela Mei | Academic Magnet High School | |
Janette Park | Dutch Fork High School | |
Jacob Rawson | Lexington High School | |
Kazuho Uruji | Ben Lippen | |
1 | David Liu | Dutch Fork High School |
Tobi Ogunfowora | Hammond School |
Those three then faced off on a tie-breaker question to see who could get closest to the correct answer and go on to the finals. Sparsho De and Wesley Fletcher won the tie-breaker to go on to the finals.
The two finalists then competed head-to-head to be the first to answer each question in the final until one of them scored three correct answers.
Winner: Sparsho De
Runner-Up: Wesley Fletcher