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College of Education

Faculty and Staff

Katie Wolfe, Ph.D.

Title: Associate Professor
Department: Educational and Developmental Science - Special Education
College of Education
Phone: 803-777-8260

Wardlaw 235E

Resources: Systematic Protocols for Visual Analysis
Katie Wolfe, Ph.D.


Katie Wolfe is an Associate Professor of Special Education and Applied Behavior Analysis in the Department of Educational and Developmental Science. Before pursuing her Ph.D. at Utah State University, she worked in various capacities and settings with children with autism and their families, including as a special educator and as a behavior analyst. Her research interests include the development and implementation of interventions to promote language and communication skills in young children with autism, variables that influence the visual analysis of single-case research data, and supporting practitioners in making data-based decisions. She is also interested in parent and practitioner training. Katie Wolfe teaches courses in applied behavior analysis and single-case research design.


Katie Wolfe earned her Ph.D. in Disability Disciplines and Applied Behavior Analysis from Utah State University, her MS in Elementary Education from Mercy College and BA in History from the University of Virginia. She is also a Board Certified Behavior Analyst.


Autism, applied behavior analysis, early childhood special education, single-subject methodology


Katie Wolfe's research interests include the development and implementation of interventions to promote language and communication skills in young children with autism, variables that influence the visual analysis of single-case research data, and supporting practitioners in making data-based decisions. She is also interested in parent and practitioner training.


Katie Wolfe is an assistant professor of Early Childhood Special Education in the Department of Educational and Developmental Science. Before pursuing her Ph.D. at Utah State University, she worked in various capacities and settings with young children with autism and their families. Her research interests include the development and implementation of interventions to promote language and communication skills in young children with autism, the synthesis of single-subject research to identify empirically-supported treatments, and the use of technology in training individuals to analyze single-subject data. She is also interested in parent and practitioner training. Wolfe is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst who teaches courses in early childhood special education, autism, and applied behavior analysis.

Selected Research Studies

An Evaluation of a Computer-Based Training on the Visual Analysis of Single-Subject Data

The Effectiveness of the Language for Learning Curriculum for Young Children with Autism

A Preliminary Investigation of a Video-Based Preference Assessment for Preschoolers with Autism

Selected Publications

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Bradshaw, J., Wolfe, K., Hock, R., & Scopano, L. (2022). Advances in supporting parents in interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorder. Pediatric Clinics69(4), 645-656.

McCammon, M. N., Wolfe, K., & Zaluski, K. (2022). POWER: A caregiver implemented mand training intervention. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 15(3), 698-713.

Chezan, L. C., McCammon, M. N., Drasgow, E., & Wolfe, K. (2022). The ecological validity of research studies on function-based interventions in schools for children with autism spectrum disorder. Behavior Modification46(1), 202-229.

Wolfe, K., McCammon, M. N., LeJeune, L. M., & Holt, A. K. (2021). Training preservice practitioners to make data-based instructional decisions. Journal of Behavioral Education, 1-20.

Wolfe, K., & *McCammon, M.N. (2020). The analysis of single-case research data: Current instructional practices. Journal of Behavioral Education. 020-09403-4

*Hajiaghamohseni, Z., Drasgow, E., & Wolfe, K. (2020). Supervision behaviors of Board Certified Behavior Analysts with Trainees. Behavior Analysis in Practice.

Wolfe, K., *Pound, S., *McCammon, S.N., Chezan, L.C., & Drasgow, E. (2019). A systematic review of interventions to promote varied social-communication behavior in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Behavior Modification, 43(6), 790-818.

Wolfe, K., Barton, E.E., & Meadan, H. (2019). Systematic protocols for the visual analysis of single-case research data. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 12(2), 491-502.

Wolfe, K., Dickenson, T.S., Miller, B., & *McGrath, K.V. (2018). Comparing the statistical and visual analysis of multiple baseline design graphs. Behavior Modification. Advance online publication.

Wolfe, K., Seaman, M.A., Drasgow, E., & *Sherlock, P. (2018). An evaluation of the agreement between the conservative dual-criterion method and expert visual analysis. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 51(2), 345-351.

Wolfe, K., *Blankenship, A., & Rispoli, M. (2018). Generalization of skills acquired in Language for Learning by young children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 30(1), 1-16.

Wolfe, K., Pyle, D., Charlton, C. T., Sabey, C. V., Lund, E. M., & Ross, S. W. (2016). A systematic review of the empirical support for Check-In/Check-Out. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 18(2), 74-88.

Wolfe, K., & Slocum, T.A. (2015). A comparison of two approaches to training visual analysis of AB graphs. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 48(2), 472-477.

Wolfe, K., Slocum, T.A., & Kunnavatana, S.S. (2014). Promoting behavioral variability in individuals with autism spectrum disorders: A literature review. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 29(3), 180-190.

Books and Book Chapters

Chezan, L.C., Wolfe, K., & Drasgow, E. (Eds.) (2022).  Guide to evidence-based practices for practitioners working with individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Roman & Littlefield.

Wolfe, K., *McCammon, M.N., & *Check, A.R. (2022). Characteristics of individuals with autism spectrum disorder. In L.C. Chezan, K. Wolfe, & E. Drasgow (Eds.), Guide to evidence-based practices for practitioners working with individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Roman & Littlefield.

Wolfe, K., *McCammon, M.N., & *Check, A.R. (2022). Data-based decision making and progress monitoring. In L.C. Chezan, K. Wolfe, & E. Drasgow (Eds.), Guide to evidence- based practices for practitioners working with individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Roman & Littlefield.

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