What drew you to the field of medicine?
Growing up, the hospital basically served as my second home. I have experienced a variety of medical issues which caused me to deal with different physicians and hospital staff. Although some encounters were great, others were not. Numerous experiences have shown me the importance of hospitality and treating others with compassion. As a result, I was determined to be the doctor that I wished I had as a child, healing my patients not just through my medical skills, but also through the trust and support I hope to instill in our bonds.
What are your future plans?
After my studies, I aim to become a pediatric neurosurgeon, advocating for the health of our future generations. I hope to delve into research, especially in international countries, to gain different perspectives on medicine and social inequalities present in different healthcare systems. I also aim to establish various free clinics in many underprivileged countries since they lack the necessary means to provide satisfactory and trustworthy access to medicine. These goals will allow me to achieve my dream of becoming a globally engaged physician as I heal the world around me.