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Darla Moore School of Business

International Marketplace Immersion

The International MBA program at the Moore School helps students acquire the robust skills necessary to lead in multinational corporations. We believe that to most effectively develop these skills, you must be able to leverage your academic learning and put it in context both through real-world work experience and an in-depth international immersion.

Corporate internship

A central part of the Moore School International MBA program is the corporate internship. The internship is a corporate, government, or non-profit assignment within your International MBA track and overall program of study. It provides the opportunity to apply and refine classroom knowledge, work on an assignment relevant to the International MBA educational program, develop professional acumen, and better position yourself for a job and career following graduation.

International immersion

All International MBA students participate in an in-country immersion. This allows you to connect the academic coursework with the internship you have completed and see it through the lenses of an international context. The specific destination and construct of the immersion is driven by the track you choose.

The focus is to gain additional global business expertise through the lenses of foreign language development and the study of a particular culture. You may choose from the following languages and locations:

  • French:  Paris, France
  • German: Vallendar OR Dusseldorf, Germany
  • Spanish: Valencia, Spain

In preparation for the immersion, you will participate in introductory language training module during the semester prior to your immersion.

The focus is to gain additional global business expertise through the lenses of a deeper study of global business topics. The specific location may vary cohort to cohort. For the class enrolled in summer 2018, the immersion is currently planned to take place in one of the following locations:

  • France
  • Germany
  • Spain
  • South Africa

In preparation for the immersion, you are required to take two additional elective courses focusing on a specific functional area or in a general area such as international business or management.


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
