Alumni Voices
COVID-19: How We Move Forward
Hiring/HR Impact
Full Panel Discussion
Good Crisis Communications
Julian Dalzell, Lecturer, Department of Management and Master of Human Resources
Changes in Internships
Rob Ployhart, Bank of America Professor of Business Administration, Department of Management and Master of Human Resources
HR: What Competencies are Needed?
Julian Dalzell, Lecturer, Department of Management and Master of Human Resources
Organizational Success
Patrick Wright, Thomas C. Vandiver Bicentennial Chair (professor), Department of Management and Director, Center for Executive Succession
Keeping Employees Engaged
Patrick Wright, Thomas C. Vandiver Bicentennial Chair (professor), Department of Management and Director, Center for Executive Succession
Changes in HR, part 1
Rob Ployhart, Bank of America Professor of Business Administration, Department of Management and Master of Human Resources
Changes in HR, part 2
Patrick Wright, Thomas C. Vandiver Bicentennial Chair (professor), Department of Management and Director, Center for Executive Succession
COVID–19 Economic Impact
Full Panel Discussion
COVID–19 Economic Impact
Beth Renninger, Director, Center for Sales Success
COVID–19 Economic Impact
Joey Von Nessen, Research Economist, Division of Research
Elevating Excellence: Sales Experience
Beth Renninger, Director, Center for Sales Success
Elevating Excellence: Business Analytics
Stacey Mumbower, Director, Center for Applied Business Analytics
Darla Moore School of Business
Speaker Series
The Darla Moore School of Business isn’t just a source of great talent for your organization, the Moore School is also a world-class research institution and our professors are incredible sources of knowledge. The videos below cover a range of topics, including a focus on how companies can respond current challenges. If you would like more information or have a topic suggestion, reach out to us at recruit@moore.sc.edu.