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The DMA in piano pedagogy degree has two tracks, the recital/treatise track and the dissertation track.
Piano Pedagogy Recital/Treatise
Major Area |
28 credits |
Advanced Research (MUSC 747) | 2 credits |
Cognate Studies (minimum of two 700-level music history courses [one MUSC 744 Topics in Music History course must be completed], at least two 700-level music theory courses, and maximum four credits of ensemble and chamber music [MUSC 734 and 735]) | 18 credits |
Foreign language requirement: DMA students must either demonstrate reading proficiency in French, German, or Italian or complete an advisor-approved research course before the Comprehensive Examination can be scheduled.
Piano Pedagogy Dissertation
Major Area |
28 credits |
Advanced Research (MUSC 747) | 2 credits |
Cognate Studies (minimum of two 700-level music history courses [one MUSC 744 Topics in Music History course must be completed], at least two 700-level music theory courses, and maximum four credits of ensemble and chamber music [MUSC 734 and 735]) | 18 credits |
Foreign language requirement: DMA students must either demonstrate reading proficiency in French, German, or Italian or complete an advisor-approved research course before the Comprehensive Examination can be scheduled.