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Affiliated Scholars

The Consortium is comprised of outstanding interdisciplinary scholars in meaningful research and transformational activities in the field of nutrition. Through an application and review process, an Affiliated Scholar status is granted to individuals. The Consortium provides a wide range of supportive services to Affiliated Scholars, including networking opportunities through the seminar series and annual symposium.

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Current Affiliated Scholars


Faculty/Staff Nutrition-Related Topics Tools & Methodologies Keywords
(hidden column)

Abshire, Demetrius, Ph.D., RN
Associate Professor and Co-Director, Smart Start Nursing Program, Biobehavioral Health & Nursing Science, College of Nursing

Obesity, rural health, men's health, physical activity, nutrition, psychosocial determinants of health, mental health, weight loss interventions, job preparedness among nurses Actigraphy, dietary recalls, anthropometric measures, blood pressure assessment, surveys, descriptive statistics, bivariate analyses, multivariable logistic regression models, Pearson χ2 and Mantel–Haenszel tests, multivariable logistic regression, semi-structured interviews, qualitative descriptive studies, thematic analysis, scoping review, commentaries tag 1, tag2

Adams, Elizabeth, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Exercise Science, Arnold School of Public Health

Food Security,  Federal and state food assistance programs,  Preventing Childhood Obesity, Promotion of healthful dietary patterns, pediatric obesity, health inequities, intergenerational transmission of obesity, child nutrition, chronic disease prevention Dietary recalls; Food frequency questionnaires; parent feeding parctice scales; food security and nutrition security scales; plate waste methodology, surveys, longitudinal and observational studies, mixed quantitaive and qualitative methods; thematic analyses, directed content analysis; regression models; longitudinal data analysis; randomized controlled trials  

Adams, Swann, Ph.D.
Professor, College of Nursing & Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Arnold School of Public Health 

Cancer, Big Data, Minority and Rural Cancer Disparities, Lifestyle Interventions for Cancer Prevention & Control; Dissemination and Implementation Research in Cancer Prevention and Control; Alzheimer's disease and related dementias; Healthy Aging; Chronic disease prevention, breast cancer, vitamin deficiences, physical activity, racial health disparities, cardiorespiratory fitness, obesity
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Task Load Index (NASA TLX), CarringtonGephart Unintended Consequences of Electronic Health Record Questionnaire (CG-UCE-Q), Demographic Questionnaire; Administrative and logitudinal data; Descriptive statistics, surveys, correlational quantitative studies, cross-sectional studies, logistic regression, observational studies, mixed methods, interviews, survey development

Arent, Shawn, Ph.D., CSCS*D, FISSN, FACSM
Professor and Chair, Department of Exercise Science, Arnold School of Public Health

Performance Nutrition, physical activity and stress, inflammation, biomarkers, acute and chronic resistance training, nutritional interventions, stress in athletes, improving systemic response to stress, mental health among special populations and groups (athletes, military and first-responders, adolescents), training-related stressors, optimal performance Wingate Anaerobic Tests (WAnT), Sport Concussion Assessment Tool, 3rd edition Symptom Scale, Brief Symptom Inventory-18, and Immediate Post-concussion Assessment, Cognitive Testing, The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CESD), The State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES); literature review, randomized control trials, position stands, longitudinal studies, Chi-square analyses, multinomial logistic regressions, cross-sectional studies, descriptive statistics, exercise testing trials, body composition assessment  

Armstead, Cheryl, MS(R), Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Director of the USC Health Equity Laboratory, Department of Psychology, Adjunct Epidemiology, Arnold School of Public Health

Food Security; Food Equity; Dietary Patterns; Ethnicity, cardiovascular psychophysiology, blood pressure, heart rate, stress, racism, hostility, gender, socioeconomic status, cardiovascular disease, faith-based interventions Body Media’s SenseWear® physical activity monitors, food frequency questionaires (FF), percieved stress scale (PSS), multiethnic identity measure (MEIM); community-based participatory research, qualitative interviews, focus group discussions, narrative coding, multiple logistic regression, Systems thinking models, RCT, body composition assessment   

Beets, Michael, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Exercise Science, Arnold School of Public Health

Preventing Childhood Obesity; body composition, sleep, diet, child obesity, parental decision-making, screen time and physical activity, summer, social determinants of health, structure, time use bioelectrical impedance (BIA) device (Tanita DC-430U), dualenergy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), consumer wearable devices (Apple Watch, Garmin Vivoactive 4); pilot 2x2 factorial randomized control trial, mixed-methods design, descriptive statistics, scoping bibliometric  

Blake, Christine, Ph.D., RD
Associate Professor, Department of Health Promotion Education and Behavior, Arnold School of Public Health, Director, Nutrition Consortium

Food Choice; food assistance, food choice behaviors, drivers of food choice, diet-related inflammation, food environment and food choice, food safety, food choice in low- and middle-income countries, social networks and food choice, role of caregivers in food choices for children, food insecurity, malnutrition, obesity, body image, chronic disease
Dietary Inflammatory Index (DII), Godin-Shephard Leisure Time Activity Index, Simple Clinical Colitis Activity Index, Short Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire, United States; Semi‐structured qualitative interviews, qualitative thematic analysis, regression analysis, literature reviews, case studies


Bowes, Devin, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Arnold School of Public Health

Food Security; Nutritional Epidemiology; health disparities, dietary behavior, food insecurity, food choice, chronic illness, microbiomes, infectious disease, environmental exposures, social determinants of health
liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), solid-phase extraction, gene amplicon sequencing, quantitative PCR, gastrointestinal symptom rating scale (GSRS), fecal sample collection; multiomic analytical techniques, wastewater-based epidemiology, literature reviews, pilot studies, population-based studies

Campbell, Jeffrey, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Retailing, The College of Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management

Food Choice; food retailing and sustainability, consumer behavior, small business and entrepreneurship, store format (including grocery, online, and farmers’ markets), agribusiness, business strategy
technology acceptance model (TAM), Delphi method, Generational Cohort Theory (GCT);
exploratory studies, conceptual papers, structured
online surveys, literature reviews, experimental studies, logistical regression models, structural equation modeling, confirmatory factor analysis

Davis, Mark, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Exercise Science, Arnold School of Public Health, Director of Exercise Biochemistry Laboratory

Performance Nutrition; exercise, physical activity, glycemic variability, gut resilience, cancer, overweight/obesity
tumour content assessment, The Brief negative Symptom Scale (BNSS), accelerometer, continuous glucose monitor (CGM), oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT); literature review, pyrosequencing, next-generation sequencing, systematic review of measurement properties, experimental study, cross-sectional studies, continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), pilot studies, exercise interventions

Davis, Rachel, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Health Promotion Education and Behavior, Arnold School of Public Health

Global Nutrition; the influence of culture, race, and ethnicity on health communication, culture and health behaviors, culturally associated measurement error in health surveys, nutrition labels, cancer stigma, type 2 diabetes, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), obesity
International Food Policy Study Surveys, Cataldo Lung Cancer Stigma Scale, Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES‐D), The European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer
Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 30 (EORTC QLQ‐C30), The Black Identity Classification Scale; quantitative research, qualitative research, survey metholodology, logistic regression models, mediation analysis, descriptive correlational studies, fruit and vegetable interventions, evidence reviews

Draper, Carrie, MSW
Research Associate, Department of Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, Arnold School of Public Health

Food Security; SNAP-Ed, child hunger and poverty, caregiver perspectives of child food insecurity, food access
Family Adjustment and Adaptation Response Theory, 1978 Life Experiences Survey (LES), USDA Household Food Security Survey Module (HFSSM); interviews, focus groups, decision cases intervention, ethamtic analysis, cross-sectional study, multinomial logistic regression

Fram, Maryah, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, College of Social Work

Food Security; child development, parent/child relationship, child hunger, child food insecurity, early childhood education, early childhood care, childhood mental health, school meals
Healthy Eating Index, Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire, US Department of Agriculture Household Food Security Survey Module, Perceived Ethnic Discrimination Questionnaire-Community Version (PEDQ-CV); commentaries, randomized trials, in-depth interviews, logistic regression, literature reviews, mixed methods

Frongillo, Edward, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Health Promotion Education and Behavior, Arnold School of Public Health, Director, Global Health Initiatives

Global Nutrition; Food Security; child development, infant-feeding practices, infant and child survival, measurements of child food insecurity, determinants of child food insecurity, consequences of child food insecurity, water insecurity, policy and programs for improving nutrition
Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), Shona Symptom Questionnaire (SSQ), Infant Dietary Quality Index, Healthy Eating Index, Child Food Insecurity Experiences Scale (CFIES), US Household Food Security Survey Module, Family Care Indicators, Water Insecurity Experiences Scales; Validation of measures, policy and program evaluation, design and analysis of longitudinal studies, multi-level regression modeling, mediation analysis, qualitative analysis, thematic content analysis, in-depth interviews, structural equation modeling, literature review

Geidel, Gwendelyn, Ph.D., JD
Distinguished Research Professor Emerita, Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences Director, Environment and Sustainability Program

Water Contamination; prediction of ground and surface water contamination, prevention of ground and surface water contamination, remediation of ground and surface water contamination, water quality, rock-water interactions, long term effects of mining
surface reconfiguration, status reports, overburden analyses

Ghattas, Hala, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Health Promotion Education and Behavior, Arnold School of Public Health

Global Nutrition; inequity, food insecurity, double burden of malnutrition, food environments in low- and middle-income settings, populations affected by humanitarian crises, technology-supported tools and interventions
Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES), Child Food Insecurity Experiences Scale CFIES), Dietary diversity, Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), Mental Health Inventory (MHI-5); Research tool development, user-centered design, intervention design and evaluation, cross sectional and cohort study design and analysis, mixed-methods analyses
Graham, Katie, RD, MS, CDCES

Healthy Campus Initiatives, Student Health and Wellbeing

Dietary Pattern; eating disorders, diabetes education, culinary nutrition education
SCOFF; systematic reviews

Hebert, James, ScD
Health Sciences Distinguished Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Director, Statewide Cancer Prevention & Control Program

Dietary Pattern; Global Nutrition, Healthy Agining; Diet and Inflammation; Diet and Metabolic Dysregulation; Diet and Cancer; Diet and other Chronic Diseases; Diet and Other Risk Factors, Methodologic Improvements in Study Design; Methodologic Improvement in Measuring Diet; Developing Methods to Improve Prediction of Health Outcomes by Dietary Factors
Dietary Inflammatory Index (DII), Healthy Eating Index, International Physical Activity Questionnaire; Social Approval; Social Desirability; Response Set Biases; Diet's influence on inflammatory pathways, including cytokine signaling and immune response; Development of novel study designs (allocation of treatment within RCTs, pragmatic and adaptive trials) to test the effect of diet on health outcomes

Hirsch, Katie, PhD, EP-C, CISSN
Assistant Professor, Department of Exercise Science, Arnold School of Public Health 

Nutrition, supplementation, and nutrient timing; exercise and nutrition, body composition, muscle and protein metabolism, cardiometabolic health, performance, sex differences and women's health across the lifespan
Resting metabolic rate and substrate meabolism; Cardiorespiratory fitness; whole-body and muscle protein turnover; Bioelectrical impedance devices; dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry; ultrasound; BodPod; hormonal profiling; Blood draw; Dietary analysis; randomized control trials, cross-sectional studies, exercise and dietary interventions, surveys

Huhns, Michael, Ph.D.
NCR Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering and Computing

Artificial Intelligence; service-oriented computing, multiagent systems, machine learning, computer vision, ontologies, computational sociotechnical systems; 
Multiagent-based simulation, Netlogo, knowledge graphs; Mathematical and philosophical logic, ontological engineering, computational trust and ethics
Jackson, Tiara, Ph.D., MPH, CHES

Academic Affiliate, Director of Research Operations, Decision Information Resources, Inc.

 Food Security; Childhood Obesity; interpersonal relationships; nutrition promotion programs, family meal experiences
Semi-structured interviews; Household Food Security Survey Module; Ground theory; Open coding; Systematic reviews; Meta-analysis

Kaczynski, Andrew T., Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Co-investigator of Prevention Research Center, Director of BEACH Lab, Department of Health Promotion, Education and Behavior, Arnold School of Public Health

Obesity; healthy community design, physical activity, obesity, mental health, environmental justice, equitable community resources, healthy eating, obesity, chronic disease prevention
Built environment audits, GIS, surveys; surveys, audits, spatial analyses

Krobath, Danielle, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemilogy and Biostatistics, Arnold School of Public Health

Food security, Childhood obesity, Maternal, infant and child nutrition, Health disparities, US food policy, social determinants of health
Lifecourse approach, BMI, equity surveys, Everyday Discrimmination Scale, MenuStat, Mixed methods, multiple linear regression, multivariate regression models, Bland-altman plots, mixed-effects models

Langan, Laura, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Arnold School of Public Health

Dietary Pattern; metabolism, intestinal epithelial cells, characterisation of proesses, new model development, fish and aquatic models, infectious diseases, enviromnental exposure, ethnical animal use in laboratory experiments (implementation of 3R's)
3-D based models (organoids and spheroids), cell culture, wastewater surveillance for public health, transcriptional change (gene expression and transcriptomics), proteomic change, 3R's (and 6R's) implementation in lab experiments; In vitro methodology, ecotoxicological and toxicological experiments, bioassays, dietary uptake studies, morphological characterisation, structural equation modeling, transmission electron microscopy, methodology development and application, gene-expression (RT-qPCR, RT-PCR and dPCR), transcriptomic and proteomic analysis (lab and bioinformatics), literature reviews, wastewater based surveillance, zebrafish culture, in vitro and in vivo experimental design

Larson, Leila, Ph.D., MPH
Assistant Professor, Department of Health Promotion, Education and Behavior, Arnold School of Public Health

Maternal, infant, and child nutrition; nutrition, global health, child development, evaluation of integrated interventions, prenatal and postnatal exposures, malnutrition, maternal and child health, improving measurement of nutritional biomarkers, nutrition trials in pregnancy and childhood, RCTs, responsive feeding, big data, hemoglobin, anemia, iron status, anthropometry
Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale (EPDS), Caregiver Reported Early Development Instrument (CREDI), Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Wolke’s Behavioural Rating (WBR), Developmental Milestones Checklist (DMC), Responsive Feeding, Responsive Parenting and Early Learning Tool, WASH, nutritional biomarkers, Household Food Insecurity and Access Scale (HFIAS), Dietary diversity; randomized trials (cluster and individual), mixed methods, nested observational studies, cross-sectional studies, quasi-experimental studies, big data, structural equation modeling, meta-analyses

Liese, Angela, Ph.D. 
Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics , Arnold School of Public Health

Food Security; Dietary Pattern; type I and type II diabetes, food insecurity, physical activity, cognition in youth, dietary intake among youth, diabetes stigma
Healthy Eating Index, Alternative Healthy Eating Index, US Household Food Security Survey Module, International Physical Activity Questionnaire, Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s Disease Word List Memory Task, Digit Symbol Substitution Test, Animal Fluency Test; original investigation, cohort studies, epidemiologic reviews, logistic regression analysis, descriptive analysis, linear regression

Liu, Jihong, ScD
Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Arnold School of Public Health

Preventing Childhood Obesity; maternal and infant nutrition; Maternal obesity and gestational weight gain; life course approach; perinatal epidemiology, obesity, physical activity in mothers, physical activity in children, health disparities, depressive symptoms in women; social determinants of health
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), Body Mass Index, SenseWear Armband, Perceived Stress Scale, infant feeding, healthy eating index; cohort studies, longitudinal data analysis, trajectory analysis, latent class analysis, systematic reviews, meta-analyses

McCombs, Kelly, MS, RD, LD, CDCES
Senior Instructor and Advisor, USC Beaufort School of the Professions

Diabetes prevention and management, Performance nutrition, Food security, Healthy aging, Food safety; medical nutritional therapies, nutrition for injury and recovery, curriculum and education development
use of apps to collect community gis data; clinical outcome measures; counseling, group education and evaluation, community-based projects and research

Merchant, Anwar, ScD
Professor, Director of Curriculum Development Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Arnold School of Public Health

Dietary Pattern; chronic disease, nutrition, oral health, diet and disease, periodontal treatment on oral health, physical activity, perinatal and antenatal depressive symptoms
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), SenseWear Armband, Perceived Stress Scale, US Household Food Security Survey Module, mediation analysis, causal inference, logistic regression analysis, systematic reviews, meta-analyses

Montgomery, Kara, DrPH
Clinical Associate Professor, Undergrad Student Services , Department of Health Promotion Education and Behavior, Arnold School of Public Health

Preventing Childhood Obesity; Healthy Aging; dietary supplements, physical activity, cognitive health , weight management among college stuents, overweight and obesity, physical activity and cancer risk, aging
Elaboration Likelihood Model, Parallel-Processing Model, health-communication theories, focus groups, qualitative analysis, chi-square tests, logistic regression analysis

Moran, Robert, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Graduate Director of Biostatistics, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics , Arnold School of Public Health

Maternal and Child Health, physical activity, obesity, maternal weight gain, gestational weight gain, hypertension and pregnancy, social determinants of health, protecting children online
Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire, Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire, Berg Balance Scale [BBS], Dynamic Gait Index [DGI], Activities-specific Balance Confidence [ABC] scale, Timed Up and Go [TUG], cohort studies, mixed methods, qualitative analysis, life calendar mapping, regression analysis, interviews, chi square tests, logistic regression analysis, randomized control trials

O'Neill, Jennifer, Ph.D., MPH
Graduate Director, MPH and MS Programs, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Exercise Science, Arnold School of Public Health

Preventing Childhood Obesity, physical activity levels of young children, physical activity and health of children and adolescents, dance interventions and physical activity, physical activity interventions, policies and child care centers
natural experiments, cross-sectional analyses, literature reviews, surveys

Ozturk, Orgul, Ph.D.
Department Chair and Professor, Department of Economics, Darla Moore School of Business

Food Security, applied microeconomics, labor economics, health economics, labor market regulations, minimum wages on female employment, effectiveness of supported employment programs for developmentally disabled, the relationship between occupation choice and welfare independence, effects of maternal employment and welfare use on children’s cognitive outcomes, effects of opioid prescriptions, SNAP, school lunches, public policy
Regression Analysis, Difference‑in‑Differences, Regression Discontinuity Design

Pate, Russ, Ph.D. 
Professor, Department of Exercise Science, Arnold School of Public Health, Director of Children's Physical Activity Research Group

Performance nutrition, child physical activity, physical activity interventions, determinants of physical activity, obesity prevention
accelerometry, CARS, OSRAC, longitudinal analysis, cross-sectional studies, Time-to-event analyses

Perumal, Nandita, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Arnold School of Public Health

Maternal and child nutrition, health and development; Perinatal and pediatric epidemiology; Global health; Child growth and nutrition, maternal nutrition in pregnancy, birth and newborn outcomes, preterm birth, causes of adverse events in the perinatal period, the consequences for adverse exposures in pregnancy for health and development throughout the life course, gestational weight gain, maternal mental health, anemia and low hemoglobin during pregnancy, global perinatal epidemiology
Newborn and child growth charts, Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale (EPDS), Caregiver Reported Early Development Instrument (CREDI), International Development and Early Learning Assessment (IDELA); Study designs: birth cohort studies, cross-sectional studies, nested case-cohort designs, longitudinal cohorts, validation studies. Analytical methods: longitudinal analysis, meta-analyses, individual-participant data meta-analyses, logistic regression, linear regression, causal inference methods, marginal structural models, mesurement error
Rahemtullah, Omme-Salma, MA

Interim Executive Director, FoodShare South Carolina

Food Security, Dietary Patterns; Food Choice; Food Is Medicine
US Household Food Security Survey

Stampley, James, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor, Exercise Science, Arnold School of Public Health

Dietary Patterns; Performance Nutrition; dietary interventions, supplements, skeletal muscle, immune cell bioenergetics
24-h dietary recall, HEI, Pittsburgh Fatigability Scale, mice models, high-resolution respirometry, RNA isolation & RNA-sequencing, immunoblotting, Oral glucose and insulin tolerance tests; Mediation analysis, D’Agostino and Pearson and Shapiro-Wilk tests, ANCOVA, mixed effects models, trapezoidal method, heat maps, enrichment plots 

Steck, Susan, Ph.D., RD
Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Arnold School of Public Health

Dietary Patterns; Healthy Aging, nutrition and cancer epidemiology, cancer-related health disparities, how diet impacts cancer risk and cancer survivorship
Healthy Eating Index, Mediterranean Diet Score, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension score, Food frequency questionnaire, ASA24, dietary supplement questionnaires, biomarkers of nutritional status, epidemiologic study designs, cohort studies, case-control studies, secondary data analysis, clinical investigations, biomarker-based investigations, logistic regression analysis, survival analysis, dietary assessment, interviews, REDCap questionnaires, systematic reviews

Taylor, Scott, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, International Institute for Foodservce Research and Education Associate Director, College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management

Food Security; Food Choice; Food Waste, Sustainability, Food Security, Food Safety, Food and Beverage Services, Marketing & Consumer Behavior
Behavioral Theories, Attitude Theory, Protection Motivation Theory, Anti-Food Waste Campaigns, Survey Analysis; Quantitative Methods, Quasi-Experimental Design, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), Mediation & Moderation Analysis, ANOVA & MANOVA, Cluster Analysis

Thrasher, Jim, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Health Promotion Education and Behavior, Arnold School of Public Health

Global Nutrition; Food Choice; food labeling & marketing; media & policy influence on nutrition-related perceptions & behaviors; Mexican-Americans; Mexico
Cross-country Surveys (e.g., International Food Policy Study), 'natural experiments', experiments embedded in surveys, food packaging and labeling, national surveys, logistic regression models, generalized estimating equations, structural equation modeling, quasi-experimental studies, discrete choice experiments

Torres, Myriam Elsa, Ph.D. 
Clinical Associate Professor,  Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Arnold School of Public Health

Maternal, Infant, and Child Nutrition; Preventing Childhood Obesity, Latino populations health
Latino Populations quantitative and qualitative research; quantitative methods, community-based participatory research, food intake frequency nutritional surveys

Torres-McGehee, Toni, Ph.D., SCAT, ATC
Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, Arnold School of Public Health, Associate Professor/Director of Athletic Training Programs, Post-Professional Athletic Training Program Director, Department of Exercise Science

Performance Nutrition, sports nutrition, eating disorders, body image, female athlete triad
Eating Attitudes Test-26, Exercise Dependence Scale-21, Cumulative Risk Assessment (CRA), ESHA food processor, Sex-Specific Figural Stimuli Silhouettes, Eating Disorder Inventory-3 (EDI-3), semi-structured interviews, screening methods, prevention programs, demographic surveys, snowball sampling, χ2 test, Tukey-Kramer post hoc analyses, anthropometric measures, web-based surveys, dietary assessment, hormonal analysis

Turner-McGrievy, Gabrielle, Ph.D., MS, RD
Professor, Department of Health Promotion Education and Behavior, Arnold School of Public Health, Deputy Director of SmartState Tech Center to Promote Healthy Lifestyles

Technology; Dietary Patterns; Food Choice, chronic disease prevention, dietary self-monitoring, social support & gaming, vegan & vegetarian diets, fasting, scaling interventions, culturally-tailored interventions
Food Acceptiblity Questionnaire, Knowledge to Action (K2A) Framework, Automated Self-Administered 24-hour recall (ASA24), DietID online platform, Bandura's self-efficacy theory of behavior change, Dietary Guidelines for Americans, HEI, Designing Culturally Relevant Intervention Development Framework, MyPlate, pilot feasibility, dietary assessment, fasting protocols, Type 2 hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial, behavorial intervention, process evaluation, randomized controlled trials 

Weaver, Glenn, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Exercise Science,  Arnold School of Public Health

Preventing Childhood Obesity, unhealthy weight gain in youth, promotion & measurement of healthy eating, schools & school programs, Child Tax Credit expansion
BMI, wearable devices (Apple watch, ActiGraph, Garmin Vivoactive 4), Circadian and Circannual Rhythm Model (CCRM), CDC growth charts, Covid-19 Exposure and Family Impact Scales (CEFIS), health belief model, health behavior change theory, Hidden Dimensions of Poverty Framework, feasibility & preliminary efficacy, pilot studies, mixed method regression, qualitative interviews, longitudinal assessment, structural equation modeling (SEM), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), qualitative inductive analysis, vibration of effect sizes (VoE), meta-analysis

West, Delia, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Exercise Science, Arnold School of Public Health

Online lifestyle interventions, behavioral weight management, obesity treatment fo; mobile and digital behavioral interventions, dietary self-monitoring, financial incentives, culturally-tailored interventions, recruitment and retention in behavioral clinical trials, binge eating disordersr individuals with diabetes
wifi enabled e-scales, Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) and LookAHEAD-based lifestyle intervention curricula,motivational interviewing, adherence promotion, physical activity trackers; MOST (Multiphasic Optimization Strategy) approach, dietary assessment, factorial studies, RCT, REDCap questionnaires, intent-to-treat analyses (ITT), clinical interviews

Wilcox, Sara, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Exercise Science, Arnold School of Public Health, Director, Prevention Research Center

Food Choice; Healthy Aging; Maternal, Infant, & Child Nutrition; Technology; Healthy Aging, dietary change in adult underserved populations, faith-based health behaviors, pregnancy & postpartum, converting interventions to online platforms, podcasts, policy development
Articulate Storyline software, Moodle platform, Multidimensional Conceptual Model for Evaluating E-learning System Success, ASA24, Social Cognitive Theory, community-based participatory research, evaluation, semi-structured interviews, telephone interviews, multiple linear mixed models, process evaluation, physical activity and dietary interventions

Wilson, Beverly, MPH, CDCES
Director of Community Health, Prisma Health

Food Security, Dietary Patterns; Community Health; Preventing Childhood Obesity

Wilson-King, Dawn, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences

Preventing Childhood Obesity; Food Choice; Dietary Patterns, health promotion in minority adolescents, long term health behavior change, cultural & family-based approaches, weight loss programs, weight management interventions, dietary electrolytes
RE-AIM framework, Social Cognitive Theory, Self-determination theory, BMI, Family Systems Theory (FST), Actial accelerometers, 24 hour dietary recall, bio-ecological models, feasibility & preliminary efficacy, multilevel mixed-effects regressions, telephone interviews, qualitative research to inform behavioral interventions, motivational interviewing, physical activity interventions

Wippold, Guillermo, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences

Dietary Patterns; Food Choice; Healthy Aging, community-based participatory research, cultural sensitivity & cultural competence, mental and physical health promotion among underserved populations, culturally tailored health promotion interventions, health-related quality of life, stress, resilience
RE-AIM framework, Social-ecological model of health, Brief sense community scale (BSCS), Health-promoting lifestyle profile II (HPLP II), WHOQOL-BREF, CBPR, systematic scoping review, RCT, telephone interviews, barbershop-based interventions

Wirth, Michael, MSPH, Ph.D., FACE
Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Arnold School of Public Health

Dietary Patterns; Dietary inflammation and the Dietary Inflammatory Index; Chrononutrition; Fasting, dietary habits of shift workers and nurses, impact of energy intake on intermittant fasting, sleep and diet
DII, HEI, E-DII, NHANES, biosampling, psychosocial questionnaire, FFQs, 24-hour dietary recalls, actigraphy, pairwise correlations, chi squared test, scheffe post hoc, ANOVA, fasting blood samples, multiple linear regression, qualitative interviews, prospective cohort study

Younginer, Nicholas, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Health Promotion Education and Behavior, Arnold School of Public Health

Food Security; Food Choice; Food assistance programs; SNAP-Ed, food policy, eating and culture
Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research, policy, systems, and enviornmental strategies (PSE), qualitative longitudinal design, semi-structured interviews, emergent coding and constant comparison

Zarrett, Nicole, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences

Preventing Childhood Obesity; Food Choice, disparities, youth settings, healthy developmental pathways, healthy behaviors & attitudes, adolescent obesity prevention
Multi-level systems theory, Self-Determination Theory (SDT), Instrinsic Motivation Inventory, Treatment Self-Regulation Questionnaire, Social Motivational Orientations in Sport Scale (SMOSS), developmental cascade framework, social cognitive theory, Mechanisms of Moral Disengagement scale, community-based randomized controlled trials, variable- and pattern-centered methodological approaches, hierarchical linear models, climate-based intervention, Cronbach's alpha

Student Affiliates

Abi Zeid, Berthe, MPH

Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Hala Ghattas

Adebiyi, Victoria, MPH

Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Leila Larson

Akter, Fahmida, MS

Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Leila Larson

Armendariz, Gabriela, MD, MPH

Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Edward Frongillo

Bastyr, Meghan, MS

Exercise Science, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Elizabeth Adams

Boncyk, Morgan, MPH

Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Christine Blake

Borji, Samaneh

Information Science, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Christine Blake

Dawson, Jared, MPH

School of Medicine Greenville, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Myiram Torres

Fakhre Yaseri, Amirhossein , MD

Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Anwar Merchant

Farrell, Emily, BS

Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Michael Wirth

Gutierrez, Indira

Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Spencer Moore

Isanovic, Sejla, MPH

Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Edward Frongillo

Keseko, Enid, MS, RD

Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Brie Turner-McGrievy

Mahbubus Sobhan, Mahbub, MBBS, CGTC, CTTS 

Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Anwar Merchant

Makkar, Muskaan

Public Health (B.A.); Minors in Economics, Nutrition & Food Systems, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Jim Thrasher

Mehmood, Gahssan, MPhil

Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Christine Blake

Samin, Sharraf, MPH

Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior,  Affiliate Sponsor:  Dr. Christine Blake

Smith, Allison, MS, SCAT, ATC

Exercise Science, Affiliate Sponsor:  Dr. Toni Torres-McGhee

Tembo, Penias, MPH

Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. James Hebert

Thurber, Ashley, BS

Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior,  Affiliate Sponsor:  Dr. Leila Larson

Winters, Marian

Public Health, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Christine Blake



Alumni Affiliates

Bercaw, Hope, MS

Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Angela Liese

Bhandari, Shiva, PhD, MSC

Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Christine Blake
Postdoctoral Research Associate

Chandler, Alexa, MS

Exercise Science, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Shawn Arent

Cintineo, Harry, MS

Exercise Science, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Shawn Arent
Assistant Professor at Lindenwood University

Constantinides, Shilpa, PhD

Health Promotion Education and Behavior, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Christine Blake

Dubois, Kelli, PhD

Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Christine Blake
Postdoctoral Research Associate in the BRIE Lab

Grooms, Zoe

Exercise Science, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Ruth Sanders

Horton-Dias, Cindy, PhD, BSN, RN, CMSRN

Nursing, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Swann Adams
Staff RN at Prisma Health

Keya-Korotki, Kaji, MS, MPS

Health Services Policy & Management, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Nick Younginer

Kicsak, Krista, MPH_PAPH

Exercise Science, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Christine Blake

King, Nicole, MPH

Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Christine Blake
Community Engagement Coordinator in the Department of Diabetes and Heart Disease Management, DHEC

Mandelbaum, Jennifer, MPH, PhD

Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, Affiliate Sponsor:  Dr. Rachel Davis

Masudur, Mohammad, PhD

Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Christine Blake

McKeen, Stephanie, MS, SCAT, ATC

Exercise Science, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Toni Torres-McGehee
Outreach Head Athletic Trainer at South Carolina United Football Club (SCUFC) through Prisma Health

Okpara, Nkechi, MS

Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Brie Turner-McGrievy

Omebeyinje, Mayomi, PhD, MSC

Environmental Health Sciences, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Jim Burch
Staff Scientist at Environmental Health and Engineering INC

Parker, McKenzie

Public Health, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Teresa Moore 

Rampalli, Krystal, PhD, MPH

Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Christine Blake

Reid, Lauren, PhD, MPH-PA

Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Angela Liese
Postdoctoral Fellowship in the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities

Reyes, Ligia, Ph.D.

Health Promotion Education and Behavior, Arnold School of Public Health, Affiliate Sponsor: Edward Frongillo
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Cornell University

Stowe, Ellen, PhD,MPH, 

Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior,  Affiliate Sponsor:  Dr. Andrew Kaczynski

Tavares, Alexa, MPH-PAPH

Exercise Science, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Christine Blake

Uriegas, Nancy, PhD, MS, SCAT, ATC

Exercise Science, Affiliate Sponsor:  Dr. Toni Torres-McGehee

Warren, Andrea, Ph.D.

Academic Affiliate, Department of Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, Arnold School of Public Health

Wende, Marilyn, MSPH

Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Andrew Kaczynsk
Postdoctoral Research Association Position in the Robbins College of Health and Human Sciences at Baylor University

Zhao, Longgang, MS

Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Affiliate Sponsor: Dr. Susan Steck
Postdoctoral Research Associate at Harvard Medical School



Steering Committee

Adams, Elizabeth, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Exercise Science, Arnold School of Public Health

Blake, Christine, Ph.D. 

Associate Professor, Department of Health Promotion Education and Behavior, Arnold School of Public Health, Director, Nutrition Consortium 

Frongillo, Edward, Ph.D.  

Professor, Department of Health Promotion Education and Behavior, Arnold School of Public Health, Director, Global Health Initiatives

Ghattas, Hala, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Health Promotion Education and Behavior, Arnold School of Public Health

Larson, Leila, Ph.D., MPH
Assistant Professor, Department of Health Promotion, Education and Behavior, Arnold School of Public Health

Liese, Angela, Ph.D. 

Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Steck, Susan, Ph.D. 

Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Arnold School of Public Health

Turner-McGrievy, Brie, Ph.D. 

Associate Professor, Department of Health Promotion Education and Behavior, Arnold School of Public Health

Weaver, Glenn, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Exercise Science,  Arnold School of Public Health

Younginer, Nicholas, Ph.D. 

Research Associate, Department of Health Promotion Education and Behavior, Arnold School of Public Health,

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
