School of Public Health Core Requirements (16 Credit Hours)
PUBH 724 (3) Quantitative Methods for Public Health Practice I
PUBH 725 (3) Quantitative Methods for Public Health Practice II
PUBH 726 (3) Qualitative Methods for Public Health Practice
PUBH 730 (3) Public Health Systems, Policy, & Leadership
PUBH 735 (4) Practical Applications of Public Health Planning
Department Core Requirements (12 Credit Hours)
BIOS 709 (1) Introduction to SAS
BIOS 719 (1) Advanced SAS Methods in Public Health
BIOS 757 (3) Intermediate Biometrics*
EPID 741 (3) Intermediate Epidemiologic Methods
EPID 721 (2) Clinical and Population Research Protocol Development and Implementation
EPID 722 (2) Scientific Writing and Appraisal of Epidemiologic Studies
Major Requirements (6 Credit Hours)
EPID 730 (3) Public Health Surveillance Systems
EPID 788 (3) Practical Methods for Secondary Data Analysis
Elective (3 Credit Hours)
Electives may be chosen from Epidemiology courses or courses in the University that support the overall educational goals of the student. The Faculty Advisor must approve all elective courses.
Applied Practice Experience (3 Credit Hours)
EPID 798 (3) Epidemiology Applied Practice Experience
Integrated Learning Experience (3) Credit Hours
EPID 796 (3) Integrated Learning Experience
Total: 43 Credit Hours