Steven Nicholson, MSW ’16
Steven Nicholson works for Georgetown University as a social work staff clinician and manager advising students. But his skills and career resources were honed at USC’s Master of Social Work program.
One person at a time
After the 2016 election, Melissa Watson Ward was ready for a career change. She was working at a nonprofit poverty reduction program in South Carolina but didn’t feel she was having the impact she wanted on improving clients’ lives.
Community historian encourages African American families to tell their own stories
Building and understanding community has motivated Jackie Whitmore since he was captivated by his grandmother’s family stories during his childhood in Columbia, South Carolina. It led him to a career in social work and fueled a passion for African American history in his home state.
College of Social Work
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Alumni Spotlights
We are proud of our alumni who work in various social work positions locally, nationally and internationally. Throughout the year, we will feature alumni in articles or Q&A's.