Putting the 'ear' in gear
December 15, 2015, Glenn Hare
As the School of Music’s primary recording engineer for student and faculty performances and recitals, Jeff Francis brings decades of recording experience and a musician’s ear to the job.
December 15, 2015, Glenn Hare
As the School of Music’s primary recording engineer for student and faculty performances and recitals, Jeff Francis brings decades of recording experience and a musician’s ear to the job.
November 04, 2015, Glenn Hare
Sean Heely transferred to UofSC’s School of Music to continue his violin training under William Terwilliger and to refine his playing of classical composers. He has found that, but also discovered a world of opportunities. “The musical progress I’ve made in classical and my new ventures in bluegrass and Gypsy jazz couldn’t have happened elsewhere,” he says.
September 20, 2015, Glenn Hare
There are no music stands in Rooms 106 at the School of Music. There’s no podium either. What you will find are spaces for brainstorming and planning — whiteboards and corkboards, flip charts and Post-it notes, books on finance and leadership. And just in case there’s a need play out those ideas, the room has a seven-foot Baldwin piano.
August 14, 2015, Glenn Hare
Cormac Cannon, the new director of athletic bands, drills the 375-member USC Marching Band during summer band camp.